Unlocking Your Leadership Potential With the Power of Energetic Drive

Our ability to be effective leaders depends on our ability to develop followership. To be able to influence a group to come together and achieve specific outcomes requires leaders to understand their dynamic and unique qualities so they can adapt to the challenges of guiding a team toward success. One of these key characteristics comes from our Energetic Drive. Energetic Drive represents a leader’s ability to handle pressure, demonstrate consistency in their moods, have enthusiasm for challenges, and have the capacity to take the initiative. It's a powerful force that can significantly influence a leader's effectiveness in achieving positive outcomes. 

Energetic Drive provides insight into how others experience a leader’s energy. Adjustment and Ambition, from the Hogan Personality Inventory, are used to measure this dimension. Adjustment is a measure of emotional energy, and Ambition is a measure of drive and competitive energy.

Understanding where individuals score on this dimension is crucial to unlocking their leadership potential. In this blog post, we'll explore the four potential scoring outcomes for Energetic Drive, providing insights into how each score can impact your leadership journey.

High Adjustment and High Ambition

Leaders with high energetic drive and consistency are akin to steady rocks in turbulent waters. They maintain a calm and even-tempered demeanor regardless of the pressures they face. This unwavering presence enables them to navigate change effectively and inspire confidence in their team and stakeholders. These leaders thrive on challenges. Their enthusiasm for new opportunities and ability to remain steady under pressure drive them to address issues and seize emerging possibilities proactively. 

However, there are potential challenges. Their confidence can sometimes be mistaken for arrogance, leading them to resist feedback and hindering their ability to adapt and improve their leadership approach. Their focus on challenges and competition might make them prioritize tasks and results over nurturing interpersonal relationships, impacting team morale and teamwork. Furthermore, their eagerness to assert leadership might cause them to overlook the importance of actively listening to diverse perspectives, leading to misunderstandings and missed opportunities for collaboration.

High Adjustment and Low Ambition

Leaders with high consistency and a lower energetic drive are often seen as steady contributors. They likely demonstrate remarkable stability and calmness, even in high-pressure situations. Their consistent moods and even-tempered demeanor make them reliable in any environment. They can easily handle change and maintain composure under pressure, regardless of chaotic surroundings or heavy workloads. These leaders are often seen as good team players and may prefer to lead from behind versus assuming a leadership role.

However, they tend to ignore past mistakes, resist feedback, and may dismiss advice. Their drive may not be particularly high, which can make them satisfied with the status quo, and as a result, they may appear complacent. While they may not be inclined towards displaying high drive levels, they contribute positively as team players who avoid office politics and embrace a steady and consistent approach to their work.

Low Adjustment and High Ambition

Leaders with lower consistency and high energetic drive are often seen as driven to continuous improvement through their combination of self-awareness and an unwavering drive for success. Their propensity for self-criticism and remorse reflects their ability to provide an honest self-assessment. They are acutely aware of their strengths and weaknesses and are open to feedback to drive personal growth. While their inner critic can cause these leaders to fear failure, they also demonstrate high energy and enthusiasm for success. Their eagerness to succeed drives them to seek out challenges, and they possess a competitive edge.

This self-awareness and a strong sense of urgency can make them prone to stress and mood swings. They may experience moments of self-doubt and can easily become irritated with others. Despite these challenges, they maintain a candid approach to their shortcomings. Their restlessness propels them forward, and they relentlessly pursue their goals.

Low Adjustment and Low Ambition

Leaders with low energetic drive and low consistency are often seen as conscientious supporters due to their deep concern for their work and drive to seek alignment within their team. They possess a strong sense of urgency and likely push the team towards an action-oriented approach. They align their objectives with the organization and will likely set goals within their comfort zone. 

Their self-critical nature and fluctuating moods can lead to an inconsistent leadership presence and an unpredictable work environment. This ambiguity may cause confusion, and a lack of focus could impact productivity. While they may not be inclined towards an assertive leadership style, they likely excel as supportive leaders within a team or organization.


Ultimately, Energetic Drive is a powerful tool in a leader’s toolkit. It can be leveraged to inspire teams to navigate challenges and drive progress. Understanding and harnessing your unique Energetic Drive can unlock your full leadership potential and lead your team to success.


The Follies of Benchmarking Personality Assessment Data in Strategic Talent Decisions.


Unveiling the Leadership Breakthrough Series: A Deep Dive into the Dimensions of Effective Leadership